From the farthest reaches of Africa to the tops of the tallest buildings, we help bring energy, light and information.
Business aggregator, created to give a set of industries a unique name, unifying the voice of several actors in the economy of Morocco, involved in industrial activities, impex, distribution, construction and technology.
A cluster of companies driven by sustainability, contribution to the development of the national economy, and investment in the human capital of Morocco.
The subsidiaries of the holding company benefit from an exceptional entrepreneurial growth, thanks to the will of its founders and their interest in participating in the growth of key sectors in the Moroccan and African economy.
8 business sectors, 9 subsidiaries and brands
Design, production and marketing of interior lighting fixtures.
Our Group in figures
Madin Holding knows a sustained and controlled growth since many years. Madin Holding owes these results to the coherence of its strategy of progressive expansion and to the relevance of its decisions.
Years of impact
Thinking ahead, making an impact, moving into the future, moving ahead of the competition, feeding the planet, protecting and enriching all stakeholders for the next 100 years.
Completed projects
All our customers benefit from a privileged treatment, beyond the commercial transactions, something that retains them and encourages them to return whenever they have a need for our products or our services.
In a culture where the employee is the focus of the company, production and work are perfectly executed and keep our customers coming back to enjoy their quality renderings.
Countries served
Our subsidiaries follow an international expansion plan, driven by entrepreneurial ability and corporate values, rooted in the management and operations teams.
Define and support the guideline for our subsidiaries.
Define and support the guideline for our subsidiaries by providing the necessary and continuous assistance and guidance to achieve the desired sustainable growth, with respect to our evolving ESG policy and the commitment to contribute to the prosperity of our stakeholders and future generations.
A bright future for our continent and our planet.
Our vision is to build a prosperous and inclusive future for our continent and our planet, through responsible contribution and economic, social, environmental and technological impact.
The foundation of our identity and our success.
Our values are what guide us, what define us as people and what give us a sense of direction in our choices and actions. At Madin Holding, we are proud of our values and we put them into practice every day.
Responsible Entrepreneurship
Founded on entrepreneurial values and enriched by the responsible sense of contributing to the common development of stakeholders and future generations.
Fueled by the courage to discover new markets and embrace advanced technologies, we embody boldness in our corporate culture and in the minds of our employees.
Enriched by entrepreneurship, equipped with audacity and armed with competent human capital, we promote the production of innovation in all our strategic actions.